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Strengthen Your Brain Through the Power of Prayer
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- The little-known connection between religious practice and less depression, lower blood pressure, and improved ability to deal with financial strain and physical pain . . .
- An introduction to the new field of neurotheology, the study of the relationship between your brain and religious and spiritual phenomena . . .
- Actual physical changes that take place in your brain while praying or meditating . . .
- How long you need to pray or meditate to slow age-related decline or memory problems . . .
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your life for improved health, relationships, and quality of life . . .
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The 47 Scientifically Proven Health Benefits of Prayer
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- See how prayer increases your ability to forgive and move on after an interpersonal conflict . . .
- Pitfalls and problems with praying that you should know about . . .
- True or false? Prayer and attending religious services help you live longer . . .
- The scientifically demonstrated link between religious beliefs and diseases like diabetes, heart problems, alcohol abuse, depression, fibromyalgia, and many other conditions . . .
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